Sunday, February 10, 2008

another winter without snow?

New Canaan Advertiser, Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 6A

By Richard M. Stowe

Warming warrants greater attention

Dateline: January 11, 2008
Location: New Canaan
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Temperature: 55
Average January High: 38
Average January Low: 19
Record January Low: -18

I know what you’re thinking: What is the record January high? Well, that was set last year (2007): 69.

Try to imagine a new record low being set this year.

The latest climate change research reveals that Greenland’s glaciers are melting into the sea twice as fast as previously thought.

60 minutes re-broadcast its hour-long The Age of Warming on Sunday evening. It’s well worth the time to read the transcript, or watch the video at the Age of Warming link - (

Warmer winters is a growing concern among Olympic skiers and professional hockey players, such as Andrew Ference, the Boston Bruins defenseman, who is seeking a commitment from the entire National Hockey League to go carbon neutral.

Winter athletes have joined concerned citizens in requesting that “our leaders (to) freeze and reduce carbon emissions now” in an online petition (

There’s a national organizing effort called Focus the Nation ( Focus the Nation is assembling a mass teach-in on global warming solutions for America at schools and churches in communities across the United States on January 31, 2008. Focus the Nation website lists New Canaan Country School and St Luke’s School as participants. At New Canaan Country School 4th graders will talk about global warming at their weekly assembly and at home will ask each one of their families to switch at least one fixture from incandescent to compact fluorescent (cfl). Upper school students (grades 7 – 9) will screen the 2% solution on January 30th.

OK, now, back to presidential politics.

Question: In 2007 how many times did Sunday talk show hosts - Tim Russert, George Stephanopoulos, Bob Schieffer, Wolf Blitzer and Chris Wallace - mention global warming?

Answer: 3 plus 24 global warming related questions (12 by Tim Russert, 5 by George Stephanopoulos, 4 by Chris Wallace, 3 by Wolf Blitzer).

Question: How many presidential campaign questions did these 5 hosts ask in 2007?

Answer: 2484

According to Gene Karpinski, President of the League of Conservation Voters these statistics were culled by reading the transcripts of every one of the five Sunday morning talk shows and every debate that one of the aforementioned journalists was associated with in 2007.

That was in 2007, the year the International Panel on Climate Change won the Nobel Peace Prize! And, let’s not forget that Vice-President Al Gore, a former presidential nominee, won the Nobel Peace Prize, too.

Question: Who asked those questions in which they mentioned global warming?

Answer: Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday asked two questions and Wolf Blitzer of CNN asked one question.

Question: Who didn’t mention global warming in any of their questions?

Answer: Bob Schieffer, host of CBS’s Face the Nation, asked zero out of 238 questions; Clinton protégé and former Clinton senior advisor on policy and strategy, George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s This Week, asked zero out of the 726; Tim Russert, host of NBC’s Meet the Press asked zero out of 755 questions.

The League of Conservation Voters believes global warming warrants more coverage by these Sunday talk show hosts.

If you agree with that position, LCV has set up an online petition for you to register your support:

This is how the remaining Presidential candidates, who serve, or have served in Congress, line up in terms of the League of Conservation Voters lifetime voting record rating on environmental issues.

Senator Barack Obama 96%
Representative Dennis Kuchinich 92%
Senator Hillary Clinton 90%
Senator John Edwards 59%
Representative Ron Paul 30%
Senator John McCain 26%
Senator Fred Thompson 12%

The candidate’s positions on energy and global warming are spelled out at

Keep it green.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

where've you been?

Friday, March 07, 2008 1:15:00 PM  
Blogger Richard Stowe said...

Why anonymous?

Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:38:00 PM  

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