Senator Perkins to Governor Paterson: support bikes-on-trains-at-peak hours!

The Honorable David A. Paterson
State of New York
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
RE: Bicycle Access on M-8 Rail Cars
Metro-North Railroad
Dear Governor Paterson,
Over the past few weeks my office and various bicycle advocacy groups have been working on achieving the goal of allowing bicyclists access to Metro-North Trains during peak hours, and to equip the new Kawasaki M-8 trains with adequate space for the placement of bicycles aboard the trains without sacrificing space for other riders.
Here in New York, an engaged community group, Rails Trains Ecology Cycling, has joined with similar statewide organizations to advocate for specific changes to the design of the M-8 cars, as well as retrofit modifications to existing cars. These organizations have put forward a thoughtful plan to allow for example, vertical storage of up to four (4) bicycles replacing a 4-seat section on every other car.
Likewise, we need to work together to change existing Metro-North policies related to bicycle access to trains. Metro-North currently has a permit process as well as peak-hour restrictions in place. Both policies put an undue burden on those wishing to bring their bicycles on trains. We have made great strides as a state, welcoming bikes on our public buses and on our streets. It is well past time to take the next important step and create a welcoming, design-appropriate rail system for the state’s cycling community.
In the midst of soaring energy prices, and mounting concern over carbon emissions, it is more important than ever that New York invest in alternatives to the automobile. Successful multi-modal transportation will play an increasingly important role in New York’s economic success in the coming decades. Bicycles provide an excellent way to reduce congestion, oil dependency, and emissions, all while promoting public health, but this potential can only be realized if bicycles are integrated seamlessly with the rest of the transportation infrastructure. Your request for the inclusion of bicycle storage on the new M-8 cars and allowing bicyclists on trains during peak hours is an important step in this direction.
Peak hour restrictions currently prevent many people from using their bicycles in conjunction with Metro North to get to work, leaving them either to cycle very long distances or to abandon cycling in favor of driving. The result of this is more cars on New York’s already overburdened highways, and increased traffic congestion and parking demand around train stations.
While providing adequate storage on the new M-8 rail cars for bicyclists, Metro-North should not pit rail car user against rail car user over adequate space, in this case, bicycle riders against disabled riders. In pursuing that end, the bicyclists' advocacy groups and I suggest two design options to allow for dedicated bicycle parking areas on trains.
• Set aside an area adjacent to the vestibule in every other car separate and distinct from disability space, in which up to three bicycles may be parked vertically. We believe this to be the most space-efficient method, which in turn minimizes loss of seats per car.
• Use a section of the M-8 bar cars for bicycle parking, while retaining the 28 seats planned for the M-8 bar cars (no loss of seating.)
¬ Bar cars will be more fully utilized with the inclusion of bicycle parking since beverage service on bar cars does not commence until noon.
I would appreciate your direct involvement in this matter. I understand time is of the essence, but Metro-North officials indicate there still is time to affect a positive outcome. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Bill Perkins
Senator, 30th District
Labels: bicycling, bike-to-work, bikes-on-trains
Get a folding bicycle and then the bike-on peak-commute issue becomes a non-issue. i'm doing that with excellent success since six years, solves also your parking problem in your (city) office (which imho is a much more fundamental problem than access to trains ...)
BTW: i agree, though, definitely that trains should accommedate bicycles better during off-peak and that MN might encourage and support bicycle commuting to the train stations, e.g., with secure bike parking.
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