Thursday, January 04, 2007

a bureaucratic response

Before the Christmas holidays I received the following letter from H. James Boice, the Deputy Commissioner of State of Connecticut's Department of Transportation.

Office of the Commissioner
State of Connecticut
Department of Transportation
2800 Berlin Turnpike, P.O. Box 317546
Newington, Connecticut 06131-7546

December 11, 2006

Mr. Richard M. Stowe
P.O. Box 732
New Canaan, CT 06840

Dear Mr. Stowe,

Your recent letter to Senator William H. Nickerson regarding rail service on the New Haven Line has been forwarded to the Department of Transportation (Department) for response.

The Department is conducting a Needs and Feasibility Study on the New Haven Line's recommended infrastructure and service improvements which will include an evaluation of the costs and benefits of the recommended improvements. The results of this study will provide decision-makers with the information necessary to determine how the needs of the Waterbury and New Canaan Branch Line corridors fit into an overall statewide transportation strategy, which must balance needs and funding ability. The study will commence in 2007.

Your suggestions have been forwarded to the Department's Bureau of Policy and Planning for evaluation during this study. In addition, you will be added to the study's e-mail mailing list.

Thank you for your suggestions concerning the Connecticut commuter rail system.


H. James Boice
Deputy Commissioner

cc: The Honorable William H. Nickerson

Considering that this proposal requires no infrastructure upgrades to either the New Canaan branch line, nor the New Haven main line, this appears as if it is a poor attempt to bury a challenging proposal for 7 years or so (the projected time to completer two phases of the Danbury branch line study.)

While I welcome the New Canaan and Waterbury studies, it is evaluation of infrastructure improvements that merit priority in the study. I believe that the MNRR scheduling department is perfectly capable of passing judgment on worthiness of service improvement proposals without the assistance of outside consultants.

I just need to marshal support for this proposal, so it can it can be set on a fast track to implementation.


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