Friday, July 11, 2008

communique between respective 2006 Democratic and Republican gubernatorial candidates

Office of the Mayor
165 Church Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

John DeStefano, Jr.
May 27, 2008

The Honorable M. Jodi Rell
State of Connecticut
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106

RE: Bicycle Access – M8 Rail Cars
Metro-North Railroad, New Haven Line

Dear Governor Rell,

City staff and many interested citizens inspected the sample M* rail on display at Union Station last week. Many thanks to you and Acting Commissioner James Boice for that opportunity. This level of citizen input is rarely seen with rail projects and this new effort did not go unnoticed.

I did want to share with you one prevailing concern: the lack of attention to bicycle storage related not only to the design of the car but also to the policies which govern bicycle access on the rail system.

Here in New Haven, an engaged community group, Elm City Cycling, has joined with similar statewide organizations to advocate for specific changes to the design of the M-8 cars, as well as retrofit modifications to existing cars. These organizations have put forward a thoughtful plan to allow for example, vertical storage of up to four (4) bicycles replacing a 4-seat section on every other car.

Likewise, we need to work together to change existing Metro-North policies related to bicycle access to trains. Metro-North currently has a permit process as well as peak-hour restrictions in place. Both policies simply are not acceptable. We have made great strides as a state, welcoming bikes on our public buses and on our streets. It is well past time to take the next important step and create a welcoming, design-appropriate rail system for the state’s cycling community.

I would appreciate your direct involvement in this matter. I understand time is of the essence, but CDOT and Metro-North officials indicate there still is time to affect a positive outcome. Thank you for your consideration.

Very truly yours,
John DeStefano, Jr.

cc. James Boice, Acting Commissioner, CDOT
Thomas Cheesman, Chair, Connecticut Public Transportation Commission

State of Connecticut
Executive Chambers

M. Jodi Rell, Governor

June 6, 2008

Mayor Johm DeStefano, Jr.
Office of the Mayor
165 Church Street
New Haven, CT 06510

Dear Mayor DeStefano:

Thank you for your letter of May 27, 2008 regarding bicycle access to the Metro-North M-8 rail cars. I share your concern that the new rail cars provide adequate bicycle storage.

To that end, the Department of Transportation, at my direction, is in the process of reviewing the design of the M-8 cars and will propose modifications of the design to increase bicycle storage. Since these cars are not scheduled to be delivered until 2009, there is sufficient time to modify the design without delaying the scheduled delivery.

I would also note that the Department of Transportation has installed new bike racks at stations along the line and they will review their policies concerning bicycle access.

Thank you once again for your input. Please be assured that we all share the goal of making the Metro North rail cars more bike-friendly.


M. Jodi Rell